10 Warning Signs That An Elderly Person Needs More Care

As our loved ones age, it can become challenging for them to take care of themselves and manage their daily lives.

In many instances, seniors can hold on to their independence even when it is detrimental to their health.

It's only normal to keep an eye on the elderly around us and watch for signs that they might be struggling to cope.

Here are ten warning signs to look out for that may suggest that your elderly loved one needs more care.

1)) Unkempt Appearance

If your loved one used to take care of themselves but is now consistently unshaven, poorly dressed, or wears the same clothes for days, it's a cause for concern.

Lack of self-care can indicate the onset of dementia or depression.

2)) Poor Home Hygiene

If their home is becoming increasingly dirty or messy, it may be time to intervene.

Poor hygiene could lead to unpleasant smells, tripping hazards such as clutter on floors, and an increased risk of contracting illnesses.

3)) Forgetfulness

Memory lapses happen to everyone once in a while; however, when they begin to impact the elderly person's ability to do activities of daily living, it is a red flag.

Forgetting to take medications or missing appointments can lead to adverse consequences.

4)) Lack Of Engagement

If your loved one isn't interested in socializing, attending events, or participating in activities they once loved, there's a chance that they are struggling to keep up.

Depression and isolation can affect their mental well-being, and you need to step in and offer your support.

5)) Decline In Physical Capability

When your elderly loved one struggles to accomplish tasks they did with ease before, it's a sign they might need more assistance.

A decline in physical capability can cause struggles with driving, standing for adequately extended periods, and doing daily chores.

6)) Emotional Changes

Sudden mood swings, agitation, or bouts of aggression may flag confusion or depression-level dealing with emotional changes in a different way.

Monitoring emotional changes can help identify the seniors that need assistance with their mental health.

7)) Unexplained Injuries

Bruises or fractures can be a sign of several issues, including decreased mobility, medication side effects, or a hazardous home environment.

Regular checks can quickly identify these sources of potential injury.

8)) Changes In Eating Habits & Weight Loss

If your loved one seems to be experiencing a decrease in appetite and resulting weight loss, it could suggest problems with digestion, anxiety, or other medical concerns.

9)) Poor Decision-Making

Changes in cognitive function that lead to poor judgment can cause lapses such as making unusual financial decisions, inviting strangers into their homes, or failing to follow medical advice.

10)) New Onset Of Health Concerns

As we age, our health deteriorates, and new concerns may emerge.

Mental health like dementia, Parkinson's, or other cognitive disorders have declined mental function.

Addressing these as well as physical issues, is important to keep elders healthy and safe.


Caring for an elderly loved one can be a rewarding experience, but it can also present challenges.

Watching for tell-tale signs that they need more care helps to ensure that they don't experience a decline in their quality of life.

Some of these signs are subtle, but you can still identify them by paying attention.

As seniors age, their basic needs may change, and it is important to be aware of the warning signs to help them maintain their independence and quality of life for as long as possible.

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