If your marriage is on the brink of destruction and you sense that your spouse may be entertaining the thought of asking for a divorce, then you are reading the right article.
Here are 5 signs that may indicate your spouse wants a divorce:
Sign #1: Arguing about everything.
Sign #2: Unwilling to resolve issues.
Sign #3: No emotional or physical connection.
Sign #4: Sex is almost non-existent.
Sign #5: Your spouse is physically present but mentally absent.
Let us be clear about one thing; just because your spouse may be exhibiting a few of the signs listed above, doesn't positively mean they're planning to file for a divorce.
Just know that these are some of the common signs to look out for, the good news is there are solutions that could help you save your marriage.
No one can guarantee the salvation of a relationship, because there are many factors involved.
However, there are methods that drastically increase your chances of saving your marriage.
And, when followed properly and with as much effort as you can muster, these solutions will have the best probability of saving your marriage.
Here’s an overview of five powerful tips that you can begin applying today…
TIP 1: Attend Couples And Individual Therapy
The most important solution to any marital problem is therapy – both for individuals and couples.
Because most marital problems are combinations of both individual and couple's
problems (even outside influences result in one of the two other types of problems).
It’s recommended that you participate in both individual and couple therapy. Individual
therapy will help you to process any individual problems that you are going through and couple's therapy will help you and your spouse learn to communicate with each other about your individual problems, as well as the other causes of couple's problems such as how to raise your children.
TIP 2: Learn To Communicate Better
Because communication is one of the keys to a happy and successful marriage, learning to communicate in a healthy and understandable way is the first step in rebuilding the relationship between you and your spouse.
There are also more unique individual solutions that each spouse should seriously look into and at least choose to try for their individual problems.
The most important one of these solutions is to make time for yourself; as lives and marriages get busier, we often forget to take time out and rejuvenate ourselves.
When we forget to do this, we end up feeling very depressed and useless without our significant others around.
This is how you lose the sense of who you are.
TIP 3: Make Time For Yourself
Taking time out for yourself will help you to remember who you are and your personal goals.
The other individual solutions are truly ways that you can make and take time for yourself, such as taking up a hobby, continuing your education, and volunteering.
Another really important individual solution is exercise.
Not only does taking personal time to exercise give you time to yourself, but it will also improve your health and overall sense of well-being.
TIP 4: Do Activities Together
There are also a couple's solutions as well.
For the most part, these couple's solutions are extensions of the individual solutions because making time for each other is the most important step in solving your couple's problems after learning to properly communicate.
Thus, you can take up a hobby together, take a class together, volunteer together, and even exercise together.
Nevertheless, though these solutions are similar to individual solutions, it is still vital
that you do at least one individual solution on your own.
Many recommend choosing one from each of the categories.
For instance, perhaps your spouse is not interested in continuing his or her education so
you can do that one on your own, but he or she is interested in starting an exercise regimen, so you can do that together.
That way you will have something that is solely yours alone and something that is yours as a couple.
Where Do You Go From Here?
Let’s reiterate, just because your spouse is exhibiting a couple of the behaviors based upon the 5 common signs that we just talked about earlier doesn’t mean that they’re definitely planning to file for divorce.
It may simply be that these are indicators of trouble ahead in your marriage.
But if you’ve seen several of these indicators in your spouse recently, and you’re feeling that things aren’t on track with your marriage, I encourage you to act to turn things around now before matters get any worse.
The best place to start is by watching this free video by this brilliant marriage expert… he explains where you’ve been going wrong and what you need to do to make your spouse fall back in love with you.
Click here to watch the video now!
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