Everyone should consider taking up a hobby or two, because of the many therapeutic benefits.
Unfortunately, there are several roadblocks that prevent people from incorporating activities they enjoy or would like to participate in.
When you account for the time swallowed up by a 9 to 5, commuting, household, and family activities, there’s not much left over for hobbies.
One of the biggest roadblocks that prevent people from going full force into their favorite hobbies is the costs involved.
Golfing is a good example of a hobby in which you’ll have to spend some money to participate, and there’s nothing wrong with enjoying some tee time if it’s within your budget.
Hobbies are great because they allow you some “Me Time” where you could get lost in your own little world without worrying about life’s everyday struggles.
There’s more to life than work, and for the mass majority of us, our daily routine consists of getting up in the morning, fighting traffic to our employer, grinding out for 8 hours or more, fighting more traffic on the way home, eat, sit on the couch exhausted, watch TV for several hours, go to bed, wake up and do it all over again.
I just painted a grim reality that millions of us live on a day-to-day basis.
Since we all have to make a living, working is a necessity.
However, I highly encourage you to take the time to take up a hobby or two in order to bring some balance and enjoyment into your life.
If you need some ideas on ways to find your perfect hobby, then let’s begin…
Way 1: Look at Your Past
Can you think of anything that you enjoyed as a kid you might enjoy now as an adult?
If you enjoyed coloring, for example, try out some of those adult coloring books.
Or if there was a special something you enjoyed collecting when you were younger, start that hobby back up and see if you get the same enjoyment and relaxation out of it.
There’s also the option to start back up a hobby that you abandoned.
Maybe after taking a break from it, you’ll find that enjoyment you were missing.
Way 2: Explore Different Options
If nothing seems to jump out at you from your past, try searching around some stores and see if anything pops out at you.
For example, if you walk down a cooking aisle and a new cookbook catches your eye, decide on whether or not cooking is a hobby you’d like to pick up.
The Internet is your virtual library, as you can always search for hobby ideas, and instantly you’ll have thousands to choose from.
Way 3: Start Small
If you’re adding something new into your life, make sure you have time to focus on this new thing.
Most times though, many people have a lot of extra time that they aren’t properly utilizing or allocating.
Before starting a new hobby, go through your schedule and decide what things you can cut from your daily routine.
It's common for people to spend about 30 minutes to an hour doing their hobby on a daily basis.
Ensure that you have the time available to devote to this hobby so that you don’t end up having to drop it.
Way 4: Know Who You Are
This may sound silly, but to ensure you find a hobby that suits you best, you should think about what type of personality you have.
For instance, if you don’t have patience, quilting may not be something you enjoy.
However, an alternative to quilting is some quicker sewing projects, especially if you know you enjoy sewing but not taking a lot of time to finish what you start.
The Benefits of Hobbies
We already mentioned that hobbies have many therapeutic benefits. They give you time to relax and to do things that you enjoy.
Having a specific hobby has also helped many people to make new friends, keep their brains sharp, and even make money in some cases.
Now I’m going to share some of the benefits associated with specific hobbies…
Hobbies That Sharpen the Mind
Some hobbies are better than others for making you problem-solve and think. These are especially important as you age.
Some hobbies that are best for keeping your brain sharp include:
- Puzzles, crossword puzzles, and brain teasers
- Card games like Bridge and Solitaire
- Learning how to draw and paint
- Learning how to play a musical instrument
- Playing chess
- Learning a new language
- Participating in trivia games
Hobbies for Kids and Families
Certain hobbies are perfect for you to do with your family.
They allow you to bond better with your loved ones and get to know them better.
Hobbies that are best in ensuring you have a strong relationship with your loved ones include:
- Making model planes and trains
- Building with Legos
- Magic tricks
- Kite flying
- Going to zoos
- Playing with remote control cars
- Swimming and playing in pools
Hobbies for Adventurous People
It’s important to get out and get some exercise. Certain hobbies can help you to do that.
Getting yourself outdoors can be very relaxing as you will see the beautiful scenery that surrounds you every day that you just don’t seem to have time to notice, even while you’re stuck in traffic.
For the adventurous, some of the key hobbies to help you get that needed exercise and relaxation include:
- Fishing
- Running, biking, or walking through parks, neighborhoods, or mountains
- Playing baseball, softball, basketball, soccer, volleyball, etc.
- Swimming
- Traveling around the world
- Bird watching
Hobbies That Help You to Earn Money
Hobbies don’t just have to be something you do for enjoyment.
Besides providing you with needed relaxation, there are a large variety of hobbies that provide you with money if you know how to advertise it right.
Some of the most popular hobbies that provide people with the opportunity to earn money include:
- Photography
- Blogging and writing (e.g. e-books, Kindle, etc.)
- Craft-making like cards, candles, and soaps
- Baking
- Graphic design
- Carpentry
Hobbies for Collectors
Collecting objects that you find fascinating or that mean a lot to you brings a sense of peace and relaxation.
Having a set of something that is solely your own and something you worked hard to get brings a sense of joy to a person.
Some hobbies that give that to you include but are not limited to, collecting:
- Rare books
- Silverware
- Coins
- Vintage or unique toys
- Sports memorabilia
Hobbies for the Crafter
Craft hobbies are very popular and provide a variety of benefits. Crafts bring a sense of relaxation and calmness to a person.
Some crafts, it has been shown to increase their confidence.
Some crafts that help people to do that include:
- Baking
- Painting
- Sewing
- Crocheting
- Knitting
- Scrapbooking
- Needlepoint
- Quilting
Hobbies for Stress Relief
Everyday life can be very stressful.
Having a hobby to fall back on when things get hard and stressful is key to enjoying life.
Some hobbies that provide stress relief include:
- Yoga
- Weight lifting
- Stretching
- Cardio
- Meditation
A hobby provides you with so many benefits and changes your mental state for the better.
It’s important for humans to have something special we can do separately from our everyday, busy lives.
At this point, have you decided on a hobby or plan to pick up where you left off on one that you abandoned?
When picking out a hobby, remember to think about the types of things you like. For example; if you really enjoy looking at art, try out painting.
It’s important to remember that you may not hit the perfect hobby as soon as you start looking.
Don’t lose hope, though.
Keep an open mind and be prepared to try new things you never thought you’d enjoy.
Sometimes the things you least expect to like can be the best addition to your stressful life.
I totally understand if you have a lack of time, as do most of us but try your best to analyze your schedule to see where you could squeeze in your hobbies.
You only live once, so make the most of your time by doing things that you enjoy.
Hobbies put you in a good mood, which spills over into all the other areas of your life.
Good luck with choosing your hobby!
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