Global warming and the devastating effects it’s having on our environment is a real thing, which can no longer be ignored.
However, green living is much more than just buying local produce and driving fuel-efficient vehicles.
Unfortunately, there are a lot of myths surrounding eco-friendly living that needs to be addressed.
While there are dozens of them, I’ll be covering five of the most common myths we hear all the time.
Let’s jump in…
Myth 1: Planting More Trees Helps Lessen Global Warming
Fact: This is not true in the context of colder areas. The regions on high latitudes warm up the earth by planting trees.
The trees are thus only beneficial in urban areas.
Mother Nature is the caretaker and expert engineer for the planet and when left undisturbed does a pretty good job of managing our environment.
Myth 2: Choosing Paper Bags Instead of Plastic Is Better for The Planet
Fact: Both are bad in the context of carbon emissions.
Though plastic bags are a total disaster, and those made from paper aren’t the best option either.
The most effective and practical alternative is using reusable bags which can be used over and over.
This means less waste to pack into our landfills.
Myth 3: Travel by Ground Is Better Than By Air
Fact: Whether traveling in a vehicle or by plane, it's one and the same thing.
Unless the vehicle is fuel-efficient.
Emissions are emissions, no matter what exhaust system they exit out of.
Ways To Reduce Your Emissions Contribution:
- Telecommuting
- Public Transportation
- Carpooling
Myth 4: Buying Locally Grown Food Is More Eco-Friendly
Fact: While buying any food, the most important thing to consider is how it’s produced.
The food must be organic in nature to be called the greener one in the true sense.
Whether it's homegrown or being purchased from the supermarket, the type of food determines its worth.
Myth 5: Electric Vehicles Are More Environmentally Friendly
Fact: The power plants where the electricity is generated using coal aren’t eco-friendly, because they emit pollution into the atmosphere.
This makes the notion that electric vehicles are more eco-friendly isn’t completely true.
We understand the argument that EVs don’t directly emit carbon into the environment, and the main culprits are the power plants that produce the electricity used to charge them.
When you compare the overall emissions indirectly caused by electric vehicles and those that run on gas, EVs produce less.
This makes renewable energy-generated electric cars better for the environment.
Related Article: 5 Reasons To Buy An Electric Vehicle
We just covered five of the most common myths surrounding green living that you hear people debating about all the time!
I wrote this article to make you aware of the flipside of eco-living that gets swept under the rug.
Some people are under the impression that eco-friendly practices don’t produce any harmful byproducts, which isn’t always the case.
Which you learned from my brief discussion on electric vehicles.
Settling for the lesser of two evils may have to be part of the world’s overall strategy to save our planet from irreversible damage.
I’m all about each and every one of us doing what we can to reduce our carbon footprints, because every effort counts, no matter how big or small it is.
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