Prolonged negative stress can destroy your health and your life, which is nothing to take lightly. With the increase in job demands, longer commutes infused with road rage, coupled with the challenges of home life is enough to stress anyone out.
Regardless of how difficult it is, you must proactively work on how to get rid of stress before it causes irreparable damage.
Sometimes those that are under stress may not be aware of it, because sometimes it appears in subtle ways.
The following are some key stress indicators:
- Irritability and nervousness
- Sleep disturbances
- Poor concentration and low memory retention
- Anger and tantrums
- Anti-social behavior, sometimes bordering on the violent
- Alcohol and/or drug abuse
- Emotional outbursts
Constant stress will trigger physical ailments. When a person is stressed, the body responds by increasing the heart rate.
The blood pressure rises because of a need to pump more blood into the brain.
Blood is drained from the intestines and shunted to the arms and the legs (protection and attack instinct). Blood clotting takes place more quickly (the body’s protective instinct).
While stress is present everywhere these days, about 10% of the population suffers from chronic stress.
If left untreated, this can cause extensive damage to a person’s physical as well as mental well-being.
Stress CAN be reduced.
There are ways in which one can drain out this poisonous matter from the body.
TIP 1: Reduce Multitasking
Do it willfully and enjoy the satisfaction. Multitasking is all very well, but it's more for computers than a person.
Pay attention to the task at hand. Finish it and then go on to the next one. There has been an ongoing debate about whether or not multitasking is possible; we’ll leave that discussion for them.
TIP 2: Plan Your Day
Keep a time management planner. For example, if you are a working mom, there are deadlines to be met, brownie meets, soccer practice, swim practice, karate practice, and coaching sessions; not to mention cooking, cleaning, and washing.
Yes, that’s a lot of things to do. So, split the load. Select and schedule a time for each task, and pat yourself on the back when you finish it.
TIP 3: Slow Down And Enjoy Your Meals
Don’t rush through your meals, no matter how important that meeting is. Take the time to quiet your mind and relax when you do this all-important activity.
Find pleasure in eating. Slower eating allows your brain to properly monitor your food intake and signals your brain when you’re full. This prevents overeating, which can help you lose weight, and is great for digestion.
TIP 4: Think Positive Thoughts
Keep your thoughts positive, ALWAYS. Focus on the good side of things. Meditation, Yoga, or Tai Chi will greatly help to calm your troubled mind.
During the day, notice your body.
If you notice tension in your body, release it. Breathe deeply and stretch any of the tense areas. If you’re fortunate to have a quiet room, take advantage of this peaceful space.
TIP 5: Exercise Your Stress Away
Get some exercise such as resistance training, walking, jogging, playing sports, swimming, and so on. Just loosen those stiff muscles and let your heart beat faster and stronger.
Exercise is one of the proven ways to help reduce your stress levels.
TIP 6: Eat Healthily
You are only as good as the things you put in your body. Avoid or minimize your consumption of sugary foods, fast food, and fried stuff. Take in a lot of fiber and complex carbs (think sweet potatoes).
Consume plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, because consistency will make you feel good.
TIP 7: Create A Work-Life Balance Plan
Remember that proverb, “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy?” Find some things that you enjoy and make time for them.
Read that book; go for a walk; listen to music, or go on vacation. The important thing is to make time for yourself.
TIP 8: Don’t Punish Yourself For Getting Off Track
Lastly, be gentle with yourself. It is natural to fall back into stressful habits from time to time. If you do, simply notice this change and don’t get judgmental.
Move back to the stress reduction techniques. Remember, sticking to your stress-reduction plan is like strengthening your muscles.
You have to consistently go to the gym. The same holds true when sticking to stress reduction techniques.
Well, there you have it, 8 Tips On How To Get Rid Of Emotional Stress that you can begin implementing into your daily life starting today!
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