Would you agree that it’s quite amazing to see movies that feature automated devices, especially in those old films?
Most people believed that such advanced technology would remain a science fiction fantasy rather than a reality.
They seemed impossible to have in the real world. But it's not all movie magic.
Because of today's highly advanced technology, automated devices and gadgets are now possible.
These high-tech devices are popping up in millions of homes around the world.
Home automation is now widely available and accessible to almost everyone.
People who have it in their homes say that it's part of the house, like outdoor and indoor decorations.
Home automation gadgets may be very important to some people, but there are also those who regard them as a waste of money or just silly devices.
Some folks argue that smart devices make people lazy, and possibly lose their edge when it comes to memory retention.
Different people have different needs and use for home automation technology.
If you have a habit of buying things that are not useful, then it would be better to invest that same money in home automation.
Home automation is divided into two main categories, the first one is security and the other is convenience.
If you did a little research on smart homes, you’d be absolutely amazed at what can be automated.
For instance, you could automate things such as:
- Having your coffee brewed at a certain time in the morning
- The thermostat adjusts the temperate up or down
- Turn lights on or off
- Robots vacuum your floors
- Make grocery lists using the refrigerator
- Have your security cameras notify you when it detects motion
- Run your bath water
- Start a load of laundry
- And so on
Is that not impressive?
And that’s not even scratching the surface of what’s possible.
Now that you are impressed by all of the possibilities of what can happen with home automation, you may be wondering, why should you implement this smart technology in the first place.
The benefits of home automation expand well beyond the fun factor.
Of course, you could make a case for this being the way of the future too.
But, realistically speaking, there are key reasons why you need to make the decision to install these systems in your home.
You may have your own list of reasons for wanting to automate repetitive tasks.
Let’s break down some of the obvious benefits that automation can offer you to help you make your own decision…
The Convenience
Convenience is the number one reason that most people implement home automation technology.
People love being lazy when they can because most of us have just way too many responsibilities with a laundry list that’s almost impossible to complete on any given day.
Do you remember when you were younger and didn’t have a remote control for the television?
What did your parents do when they wanted the channel turned on?
That’s right, mom or dad would call you from wherever you were in the house to go and change the channel.
Depending upon your age, you may or may not have had that experience.
I know that it’s hard to believe there was a time when you actually did have to get up to turn the channels before the advent of TV Remotes.
As difficult as that was, the television remote was one of the first automation tools and by far one of the most used automation devices today.
Convenience with home automation goes further than this, though. You’ll gain the ability to do more, faster and easier.
For example, you can heat up your home, run a bath, dim the lights, and warm your bed before you make it up the stairs and so much more.
Did you know that there are automated bathrooms that can turn on the heater and shower five minutes before your alarm clock goes off to wake you up?
Yes, that means no more cold showers and cold bathroom floors!
Convenience is the reason most people turn to home automation and even why some businesses are using it to increase safety and save money.
What are some things that you do on a daily basis you’d like to avoid?
What shortcuts would make your life a bit better, even if just minimally?
More than likely, there is a way to make that situation better with the use of home automation.
Although convenience may be why you are considering using home automation, keep in mind that this smart technology can make your house safer.
Depending on the types of products that you purchase, you can secure your home, with or without the help of an alarm system.
Consider the options.
For instance, to help protect your home from predators, you can install motion-detecting lights on the outside of your home.
Not only will they turn on when they detect any type of movement in an area where there shouldn’t be, but they can alert you to this, too.
You can set it up to alert you with an email to your work account or you can have an automated recording call you to alert you.
Nowadays, you can purchase security lights with built-in Wi-Fi cameras.
If you work nights or don’t like coming home to a dark house, you can configure your lighting system to turn on as you are approaching.
Even from down the street, your home is well light, and comfortable and there’s no way anything is lurking in the shadows without your knowledge of it.
Safety is important inside your home as well. If there is something that’s gone wrong and there’s water in the basement, an alert can be sent to you.
Or, if the temperature of the home falls to a certain level, that too can be alerted to you.
Home automation really puts you in charge of your home’s safety.
With all the competitive pricing of automated devices, you can secure your home without spending a fortune.
This type of security should give you a piece of mind knowing that your home is protected 24/7, whether you’re there or not.
You could set up alerts to contact the police if there’s a glass break.
Set off warnings that will alert you, the police, the neighbors, and even the other appliances in the event of a home fire.
Not only do you want the home automation device to alert you of the problem, but you want it to take it one step further.
You want it to detect motion, turn on the lights, alert you by email, and even contact the police if your home is violated.
This system of movements is not something that can easily be done without a high-end security system that is monitoring your home day in and day out, which comes at a price, but is well worth it to give you a piece of mind.
But, home automation elements like this are rather affordable and they can be easily installed in just a few hours.
This should be good news for you DIY’ers.
Your home can be safe for you and the people you love in minutes.
That is a worthwhile benefit and definitely a reason for you to begin implementing this technology into your home.
Smart safety automation is the electronic watchdog that warns you in advance about potential threats, which gives you time to respond so that you can protect yourself.
Money Savings
Believe it or not, home automation can save you money. For example, by fine-tuning the way that your appliances work, you can get the most benefit from them, but you also get the benefit of using them only when you need to.
Why should your home be heated to a perfect 72 degrees F when you aren’t home to enjoy it?
That’s wasted energy and not to mention the money you spend on your electric bill.
You can use home automation to help with this by programming your thermostat to turn on the heat or air conditioning a half hour before you get home.
Don’t stop there, either…
With the same programming tools, you can get your hot water heated for your shower in the morning.
Preheat the oven for dinner (you’ve already gotten it together in the refrigerator.)
By programming your home automation systems to do the things that you want to only when you need to use them, you can save yourself countless dollars along the way.
Your electric bills, gas bills and other costs can be drastically lowered when you harness the power of automation by using the programming features of the devices in your home.
Where are you wasting money without using it?
What’s more, is that adding automation to your home is an excellent way to increase its value of it should you ever decide that it’s time to sell.
Smart Technology Is Just Fun
There is no doubt that the techie in you wants to play with these smart devices. It is fun to use them when others are around.
Why not have a little fun by impressing your guest with your automated devices?
Imagine their surprise to hear you tell the voice recognition system to turn on the music program that you’ve put together.
Or, you may be able to impress them by dimming the lights with a remote control followed by the television turning on to play the movie that everyone has come to watch.
Yes, there is no doubt that one of the benefits of tapping into home automation comes from the ability to have some fun with it.
Smart devices can give you so much satisfaction by providing you with convenience.
There are many ways that you can program your home automation systems to work for you based on your daily tasks.
If you are concerned about the options you have, just consider the various types of automation that are already at your fingertips, such as the thermostat.
As you can see, there are several benefits to implementing home automation technology.
If you thought that this level of automation was in the distant future, and would be too costly to implement.
Think again, because you can find reasonable prices.
Home automation is here to stay.
So, why not use it to make your life more convenient?
Use it to make your life enjoyable.
Use it to increase the value of your home should you ever decide to sell it.
Really, there is no reason not to consider investing in this type of automation.
Now, that you’ve learned a little about the benefits of using smart technology in your home.
Today's technology offers a lot of breakthroughs in-home devices, home appliances, electronic gadgets, and technological equipment.
This makes every task easier while some provide entertainment.
Though you don't have computers or robots to perform every tedious chore from dressing to cooking dinner, home automation systems give people a glimpse of what the future holds.
Home automation systems give people the ability in controlling their home electronic devices wherever they are.
The technology today can make everything possible like turning on your heater or air conditioner, panning surveillance cameras in living rooms, or recording your favorite television shows from any part of the world.
When it comes to home automation, the sky’s the limit.
With all of the options available today, you can spend as little or as much money as you’d like on smart devices.
If you’re a DIY’er, there are plenty of self-install devices available on the market.
For those of you who aren’t tech-savvy or feel intimidated, you have the option of hiring professional installers.
Remember, you don’t have to purchase and install everything all at once; you could invest in one or two devices at a time if you’re budget-restricted or prefer to set a more long-term budget to obtain your gadgets.
Hey, do whatever is comfortable for your unique situation.
Take your time and do your research before settling on any smart device.
Have fun automating your home!
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