According to, by the age of 50, approximately half of adults will have hemorrhoids. An estimated 10 million Americans suffer from hemorrhoids each year.
And that’s just in America, can you imagine what the estimated totals would be if you were to add in the rest of the world?
It’s a frightening statistic…
That’s a lot of people suffering from hemorrhoids, isn’t it? And yet most people completely ignore these statistics.
They think there’s no way they’d ever develop hemorrhoids. But just ask the large number of people who’re affected by this embarrassing problem, and they’ll tell you that it can and does happen.
And they’ll also tell you the best thing you can do is be prepared.
That’s what this article is about.
In just moments you’ll find out how to protect yourself from becoming a statistic.
Knowing how to get rid of hemorrhoids will help you avoid the pain and other symptoms from happening, and to a larger extent, can help to avoid more serious health problems such as colon cancer.
It is very possible to have a recurrence of hemorrhoids if you have experienced them in the past. The tension that happens within the specific blood vessel area can cause hemorrhoids to bleed and become inflamed.
If you have experienced hemorrhoids before, you can be proactive in preventing them from flaring up again.
Read on to get the inside scoop…
1)) Avoid Putting Pressure on the Blood Vessels
By ensuring that the tension is not there on the blood vessels in your digestive tract, you can potentially avoid hemorrhoids from recurrence.
If you are constipated, you should not put pressure to eradicate the pain. Do not attempt to force your feces out.
This is popularly known as the most effective method to make sure that hemorrhoids do not come back.
2)) Consume a Balanced Diet Rich in Fiber
The trouble-free method that you can perform to make sure that you do not strain when you have hemorrhoids is to have a well-planned diet.
You should eat properly. Avoid unhealthy foods that are rich in salt, processed sugars, and other toxins.
Letting the feces pass through your digestive system efficiently, will aid in avoiding tension as well as relieving the extra strain.
Eat foods that are high in fiber, or at least take a mild laxative if you are constipated. As well, drinking enough water and green fruit smoothies will help with indigestion.
WARNING: Do not substitute a high-fiber diet with laxatives, as prolonged use can negatively impact your digestive system. Only use laxatives in emergency situations until you can get your bowels moving again.
3)) Exercise To Help Relax Your Muscles
Another solution to avoid hemorrhoid recurrence is ample exercise. There are numerous suitable exercises that can aid in hemorrhoid prevention and reduction.
Exercises that can ease and relax the muscles such as mild squatting and moving the abdominal area will allow the tension to be eased.
Also, make sure that you exercise mildly. Warm up before you exercise and cool down after.
Practice proper breathing while exercising. For example; you’d exhale slowly while you push against resistance and inhale as you return it back to the starting position.
So, if you were performing a squat, you’d inhale as you move to a sitting position, and exhale as you move back to a standing position.
4)) Surgical and Non-Surgical Methods
There are unconventional treatments that your doctor could perform if you have a case of serious hemorrhoids.
To help avoid the inflammation of the blood vessel, there are various surgical and non-surgical techniques that can be implemented.
Hemorrhoids will be eradicated and recurrence will likely not happen if you are well-oriented with the different solutions available from your physician.
Basically, gentle recuperation for hemorrhoids is a surgical treatment.
5)) Herbal Treatments
You can take advantage of non-conventional herbal treatments such as supplements and topical solutions or creams that are available.
Although they may not prevent the hemorrhoids from happening again, you can use them to shrink the hemorrhoids themselves.
Most herbal creams are designed to shrink hemorrhoids, but they cannot guarantee resistance from hemorrhoid recurrence.
That’s where implementing all the preventive methods come in.
6)) An Ounce of Prevention Is Better Than a Pound of Cure
As the old saying goes, prevention is better than a cure. It is very safe and cheap to invest in your health while the condition is not yet present.
Cures and treatments are far more expensive than measures that you can take to avoid hemorrhoids, such as the intake of fiber-rich foods, herbal supplements, proper body mechanics, exercise, proper breathing, and posture.
Also, good hygiene helps to avoid irritating your hemorrhoids, by cleaning your rear after each bowel movement.
You just discovered an overview of 6 ways how to get rid of, prevent, and manage those pesky hemorrhoids.
However, a word of warning – just knowing what to do isn’t going to rid you of hemorrhoids.
That’s because the key is that you need to take action on what you just learned.
And that’s why I encourage you to start implementing those 6 simple ways right away.
Because the sooner you do, the sooner you’ll start enjoying a hemorrhoid-free lifestyle!
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