Green Living

Total 82 Posts

Top 10 Benefits Of Owning A Solar Panel System

Solar panels can help you save money on your energy costs. Solar panels may be a little pricy at first but there are many incentive programs to help you cover those costs. We highly advise you to educate yourself on the actual expenses and benefits of using solar energy to offset your monthly...

Organic Gardening For Beginners

Many people choose to garden so they can have control over what type of food they eat without fear of chemicals or preservatives. Often, commercially grown produce is cultivated in greenhouses with the use of pesticides and chemicals to enhance their growth...

What Is Alternative Energy

According to Wikipedia, Alternative energy is any energy source that is an alternative to fossil fuel. These alternatives are intended to address concerns about such fossil fuels, such as their high carbon dioxide emissions, an important factor in global warming. Marine energy, hydroelectric...

4 Tips To Become Environmentally Friendly

Making the transition to green living is a process, just like anything else, you’ll want to start making small changes that will compound over time. It’s all of our responsibilities to do our part on becoming environmentally friendly so that we collectively make a positive impact on our planet...

Composting Basics For Homeowners

Have you considered creating your own homemade compost so you can do your part in our collaborated efforts to help preserve the planet? Believe it or not, this simple act will do wonders for the environment overall. Never believe that your positive contribution means nothing because it does…

4 Green Cleaning Products You Can Make At Home

Keeping a clean home is extremely important for most people, but that does not mean you have to use toxic, chemically-laden cleaners. As a matter of fact, with just a few ingredients, you can make your own green cleaning products and it's a lot easier and cheaper than you might think. The good...

5 Eco-Friendly Wall Treatments

People are growing more fearful and concerned about the toxicity of the various wall treatments. From paint to vinyl, the materials used to cover walls can come with warnings about toxicity. Luckily, there are several eco-friendly wall treatment options. When it comes to the safety of the...
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