Green Living

Total 85 Posts

Composting Basics For Homeowners

Have you considered creating your own homemade compost so you can do your part in our collaborated efforts to help preserve the planet? Believe it or not, this simple act will do wonders for the environment overall. Never believe that your positive contribution means nothing because it does…

4 Green Cleaning Products You Can Make At Home

Keeping a clean home is extremely important for most people, but that does not mean you have to use toxic, chemically-laden cleaners. As a matter of fact, with just a few ingredients, you can make your own green cleaning products and it's a lot easier and cheaper than you might think. The good...

Top 5 Reasons Why Raising Chickens Is Smart

Can you imagine taking a short trip into your backyard to grab organic eggs laid by chickens who haven't been pumped full of harmful chemicals? This can be your reality if you have the yard space and the patience to raise them. We know that raising chickens aren't for everyone, but if you've been…

5 Eco-Friendly Wall Treatments

People are growing more fearful and concerned about the toxicity of the various wall treatments. From paint to vinyl, the materials used to cover walls can come with warnings about toxicity. Luckily, there are several eco-friendly wall treatment options. When it comes to the safety of the...

How To Save Money On The Electric Bill

Has your electric bill gotten so high that it feels as though you're bleeding money every month? Do you cringe right before looking at your bill whether online or the paper version? Do you feel as though you've tried everything you can to keep the bill down by reducing your use of electricity? If...

Raising Chickens For Beginners

Having the financial means to purchase organic chicken that is free of harmful chemicals is a growing problem for the majority of the population. Fortunately, however, the folks that live in rural areas that have a decent size property in which chickens can roam freely don't have to suffer from...

5 Tips For A Green Christmas

There's a high probability that you've heard the classic song, "Dreaming of a white Christmas," which refers to the beautiful snowfall that creates that much anticipated holiday atmosphere. However, planning for a green Christmas is all about being environmentally active and aware while saving...
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