Green Living

Total 82 Posts

11 Easy Ways To Reduce Food Waste

Growing up your parents may have told you to eat all of your food because there are people starving all around the world. The lessons they wanted you to learn were to not take what you have for granted and that money doesn't grow on trees. There's an old Southern phrase that describes when...

Eco-Friendly Travel: 5 Tips For Reducing Personal Waste

Reducing your personal waste while traveling helps you reduce your environmental footprint, shows respect for other countries, and often inspires other travelers and even locals to be more environmentally conscious. No one person, group, or country can stop the negative impact on our environment...

5 Green Living Myths Exposed

Global warming and the devastating effects it's having on our environment is a real thing, which can no longer be ignored. However, green living is much more than just buying the local produce and driving fuel-efficient vehicles. Unfortunately, there are a lot of myths surrounding...

9 Tips To Reduce Your Carbon Footprint

Making the decision to embark on a zero or reduced waste lifestyle is a commitment that most people should consider. Especially, when you factor in how drastic our climate is changing. When you stop sending materials to landfills, you'll create less pollution, and you won't miss it. It's simply a...

Renewable Energy Sources That Can Slow Down Global Warming

As the global population increases in size, the demand for electricity surges along with it. This ultimately means more fossil fuel usage, which causes damage to our environment. That reason alone is one of the biggest motivating factors for the quest of developing renewable energy options. The...

10 Tips To Make Your Home Eco-Friendly

Creating an eco-friendly home benefits not only the environment but also your wallet. By adopting simple, sustainable practices and adjusting your daily habits, you can significantly reduce your carbon footprint and foster a healthier living space. Transforming your home into a greener sanctuary...

Living Off The Grid For Beginners

In recent years, living off the grid became a highly popular choice to those people who wish to affirm their sovereignty and to escape from their dependence on fossil fuels when it comes to energy supply. Most of the population is dependent upon fossil fuels because they are at the heart of our...
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