Total 154 Posts
8 Fun Things To Do While Camping
Camping is so much more than sitting around the campfire and eating hot dogs and roasting marshmallows telling ghost stories. While those are some of the most common activities, they don't even scratch the surface of the countless options available to you. By injecting a little creativity, you'll...
9 Tips For Managing Overwhelm To Achieve Work-Life Balance
In this day and age, people are more stressed than ever, because there are so many activities to cram into a single day that causes us to become overwhelmed. You probably have a 9 to 5 corporate job, commute time, a significant other, children, a household to maintain, and the list goes on… No...
4 Tips For Buying A Suit
Every man needs to own at least one or two suits because you never know when you will have an important meeting, a job interview, an event, or a funeral to attend. Keeping a nice suit in the closet helps you to be sure that you will always be prepared for any situation. However, if you've never...
How To Pick The Right Jeans
Wouldn't you rate jean shopping as one of the most frustrating aspects of buying clothes? Shopping for a pair of comfortable slacks or a nice skirt would be easier, but would not meet that irresistible need to have a stylish well-fitting pair of jeans ready to slip on at a moment's notice. If...
3 Tips For Dealing With Your Teen's Inappropriate Wardrobe
Are you the parent of a teenager that you love with every ounce of your being? And with each chance you get, let him or her know how proud you are of his or her accomplishments. However, there's one little problem, you really dislike the way your son or daughter dresses. Most teenagers strive to...
How To Accessorize Women's Clothing
You should be pleased to know that looking your best is not all about spending crazy amounts of your hard-earned cash on expensive clothes. The good news is that one of the least expensive ways to look stylish is by accessorizing your wardrobe. Women's accessories can help to enhance your...
What To Put In A Survival Kit
There have been countless movies made regarding doomsday on earth, and to be honest it is a little frightening because those flicks aren’t far-fetched... We have so many chemicals and weapons that can destroy our planet many times over, it’s horrifying. We, humans, contribute to the destruction...