Prepper Lifestyle

Total 23 Posts

11 Ways To Communicate In An Urban Blackout

When the hustle and bustle of city life suddenly becomes trapped in the shadows of a blackout, staying connected becomes crucial. The glaring absence of light and technology can feel disorienting, but it's also an opportunity to enhance your communication strategies. Here, we bring you practical...

How To Prepare For An Emergency On A Budget

In the event of an emergency, it's critical to have a stock of supplies that you can fall back on to ensure your survival, health, and safety. Especially, if you have loved ones to look after. This requires collecting and maintaining a decent amount of those supplies even though you may never...

How To Prevent Home Burglaries With The Proper Lighting

When it comes to keeping your home safe at night, adequate lighting is a critical part of your overall protection strategy. Unfortunately, many homeowners don't look at their lighting as being an integral aspect of safety. No matter where you may live, you should always make sure that there is...

Top 20 Ways To Prepare For An Emergency At Home

Unfortunately, disaster is everywhere. It's in the streets, it's inside your campuses, and it can even be found inside your home. The question is not whether we are safe, because no one is really that secure anymore. The question then becomes, whether or not we can do something to lessen the odds...

15 Home Safety Tips That Can Protect Your Family

Most of us consider our home to be a safe haven away from the dangers of the outside world. After a hard stressful day at work, we look forward to getting home to kick back and relax with our loved ones. However, have you given some serious thought to how safe is your home really? You may or...

6 Ways To Keep Your House Safe From Burglars When Away

Nothing is more infuriating than returning home only to find out you've been robbed. All that you could think about is that feeling of violation because the sense of security has been stolen and no longer exists. For most of us, home is our safe haven which makes us feel protected from the...

What To Put In A Survival Kit

There have been countless movies made regarding doomsday on earth, and to be honest it is a little frightening because those flicks aren’t far-fetched... We have so many chemicals and weapons that can destroy our planet many times over, it’s horrifying. We, humans, contribute to the destruction...
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