Saving Money

Total 50 Posts

9 Ways To Save Money On Food When Traveling

Food and drinks are one of the most expensive aspects of being on a vacation and can add up pretty quickly if you don’t pay close attention to your spending habits. We all understand that food ordered while traveling will cost more, so no surprises there… However, there are quite a few ways you...

15 Travel Tips Everyone Should Know

Whether you're traveling for business or going on a vacation, if you want the experience to go smoothly, planning is absolutely necessary. The best way to ensure a less stressful travel agenda is by not waiting until the last minute to plan and prepare. It's in the details of the planning process...

3 Ways To Find The Best Airfare Deals

You no longer have to limit your options to booking your travels through an agency in order to get the best airfare deals in the market. Believe it or not, travel agencies still exist but aren’t talked about as much due to the advancements in Internet technology in the form of travel websites...

How To Fly First Class For The Price Of Economy

Have you ever wanted to fly first class? We know that you answered with a resounding “Yes, Of Course, and What kind of question is that!” The barrier to entry is the price, as most people either can’t afford it or just aren’t willing to pay the extra cost. What if we told you that there was a...

3 Ways To Find Eco-Friendly Hotels

Some people travel more than others, but no matter what your frequency is; you must find somewhere to stay. Since traveling is oftentimes expensive, costs are what typically determine things such as the mode of transportation, length of time, dining options, and of course accommodations. While...

5 Tips On Saving Money During A Recession

A recession creates a negative domino effect that spares almost no one, even those that are financially wealthy. Whether we like it or not, money impacts every area of our lives, good or bad. During these turbulent times, there are usually massive layoffs, pay cuts, furloughs, postponed raises...

Recession Survival Guide

Recessions are caused when there's a decline in the gross domestic product (GDP) for multiple consecutive quarters. This creates a domino effect that causes panic which reduces consumer confidence and spending. Other factors that cause a recession are disasters, pandemics, high interest rates...
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