When it comes to working out, there are an infinite number of ways to approach exercise.
I’m not one to waste time debating about such things as what piece of equipment is better, what exercise movement is more effective, how long should you do this, and all the other craziness that goes on in this modern sea of confusion.
The bottom line is that not everyone likes doing the same types of workouts.
One of the keys to remaining consistent with your exercise routines is to discover what you enjoy because it’ll be a lot easier when it’s time to work out.
For example, if you like walking outdoors better than walking on the treadmill in order to get your cardio workouts in, then, by all means, stick with that.
You could incorporate the treadmill for variety or when the weather is bad.
I said all of that to say this, even though I’m going to share the Top 8 Medicine Ball Workout Exercises To Burn Fat in this article, I don’t want you to think that they are the end-all-be-all.
These medicine ball exercises are great foundational movements that simply work without any complications.
There are several medicine ball movements available to you and many variations within those variations.
To help you avoid information overload, I wanted to give you the basics that can provide you with an effective overall body workout once you’ve mastered the execution.
I’ve taken the liberty and added how to execute each movement.
Simply read and apply, and you’ll do great.
Remember, excellent exercise form comes first before speeding up the movements, which is what you want to accomplish eventually.
By the way, you’ll need a pair of medicine balls and a stability ball in order to perform this routine in its entirety.
But those items are very inexpensive, especially for the physical benefits you’ll receive when you use them in your workouts.
Let’s jump right into how to perform each movement.
1)) Medicine Ball Crunch
Purpose: To strengthen and tone the abdominal muscles.
Execution: Lie on the floor (on a mat if you have one available), raise both knees until your thighs are in a vertical position and your lower legs are parallel with the floor. Now place a medicine ball between your knees. Then place your hands behind your head (don’t push your head forward). Now slowly rise up (while keeping your belly button pulled in) leading with your chin (while crunching your stomach) until your shoulders are off of the floor. Pause at the top of the movement. Then slowly return to the starting position.
Breathing Techniques:
- Slowly exhale as you raise up
- Slowly inhale as you return to the starting position
2)) Pull-Over Oblique Sit-up
Purpose: To strengthen and tone the oblique muscles.
Execution: Lie on the floor, knees up with your feet flat on the floor. Now grab a medicine ball with both hands (one on each side). Then move the ball behind your head until it touches the floor with your elbows pointing upwards. Now slowly rise up (while keeping your belly button pulled in) leading with your chin (while crunching your stomach) until your shoulders are off the floor while simultaneously moving the ball from behind your head to the side of your right knee. Pause at the top of the movement. Then slowly return to the starting position.
Breathing Techniques:
- Slowly exhale as you rise up
- Slowly inhale as you return to the starting position
3)) Squat & Reach
Purpose: To strengthen and tone the upper thighs, buttocks, biceps, triceps, and shoulders.
Execution: Grab a medicine ball with two hands, and stand with feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. Position the ball close to your chest. Focus on a spot on the wall that causes you to slightly look up (this will help you maintain proper form). Now with your belly button pulled in, your eyes fixated on that spot, simultaneously squat down as if you were sitting in a chair while lowering the ball in between your legs stopping at the same level as your knees or slightly lower. Then simultaneously stand up while raising the ball overhead. Then return back to the starting position.
- Keep your back arched during the movement
Breathing Techniques:
- Slowly inhale as you descend into the squat position.
- Slowly exhale as you ascend while raising the ball overhead.
4)) Lunges
Purpose: To strengthen and tone the quads, hip joints, and buttocks muscles.
Execution: Grab a medicine ball with two hands, stand with feet approximately shoulder width apart, and position the ball close to your chest. Looking straight ahead, back arched, chest held high, take a big step forward (while stepping forward simultaneously point the toes of the foot you are stepping with upward). Step forward (landing on your heel first) enough so that your thigh is parallel to the floor without your knee going past your toes. Return to the starting position by raising your toes upward and pushing off the heel of the leg you stepped forward on.
Breathing Techniques:
- Slowly inhale as you step forward.
- Slowly exhale as you return to the starting position.
5)) Push-Ups
Purpose: To strengthen and tone the chest and triceps.
Execution: Get down on your knees and place the ball directly in front of you. Now lean forward, grab the ball on both sides, and straighten your legs (or stay on your knees). While looking slightly ahead, slowly lower your chest to the ball. Then return to the starting position.
Breathing Techniques:
- Slowly inhale on the way down.
- Slowly exhale on the way up.
6)) Lying Chest Flyes
Purpose: Develop and tones chest muscles
Execution: Grab two small medicine balls and lie on a stability ball with both feet planted firmly on the floor shoulder-width apart. With a slight bend at the elbows press the balls straight overhead in a half-circle pattern with your palms facing one another until they touch, pause at the top and squeeze your chest muscles together for approximately 3 seconds. Now slowly lower the balls back down to your sides in the same half-circle pattern until they are slightly lower than your chest.
Breathing Techniques:
- Exhale while pushing the balls up.
- Inhale while lowering the balls to your sides.
7)) Front Raises
Purpose: To strengthen and tone the shoulder muscles.
Execution: Grab a medicine ball with two hands and position it in front of your thighs (groin area), stand with feet approximately shoulder width apart. Look straight ahead; with a slight bend in your elbows slowly raise the ball overhead in a half-circle pattern. Now slowly return the ball back to the starting position.
- Keep your belly button pulled in during the movement.
Breathing Techniques:
- Slowly exhale as you raise the ball overhead.
- Slowly inhale as you lower the ball back to the starting position.
8)) Overhead Press
Purpose: To strengthen and tone the shoulder muscles.
Execution: Grab a medicine ball with two hands, stand with feet approximately shoulder width apart, and position the ball close to your chest. Looking straight ahead, back arched, chest held high; slowly push the ball straight up to an overhead position. Now slowly return the ball back to the starting position.
Tip: Keep your belly button pulled in during the movement.
Breathing Techniques:
- Slowly exhale as you push the ball overhead.
- Slowly inhale as you lower the ball back to the starting position.
9)) Triceps Extensions
Purpose: To strengthen and tone the triceps muscles.
Execution: Grab a medicine ball with two hands, and stand with feet approximately shoulder width apart. Now press the ball overhead and slowly lower it to the rear in a half-circle pattern keeping your upper arms as close to your head as possible. Lower the ball as low as possible keeping the elbows pointing upward during the entire movement. Slowly return the ball back to the starting position in the same half-circle pattern as lowered.
Tip: Keep your belly button pulled in during the movement.
Breathing Techniques:
- Slowly inhale while lowering the ball.
- Slowly exhale while raising the ball.
10)) Bicep Curls
Purpose: To strengthen and tone the chest muscles.
Execution: Grab a medicine ball with two hands and position it in front of your thighs (groin area), stand with feet approximately shoulder width apart. Look straight ahead; with a slight bend in your elbows slowly, curl the ball to the top of your chest in a half-circle pattern. Now slowly return the ball back to the starting position.
Tip: Keep your belly button pulled in during the movement.
Breathing Techniques:
- Slowly exhale as you curl the ball to your upper chest.
- Slowly inhale as you lower the ball back to the starting position.
There you have it, the Top 10 Medicine Ball Workout Exercises To Burn Fat to enhance your weight loss efforts.
These movements are basic but extremely effective for helping you to tone up and burn off your unwanted pounds.
My running theme is to stick with the basics the majority of the time and then sprinkle in a variety of other movements. This goes for any type of exercise.
This approach helps to keep you from getting bored.
There’s only one thing left for you to do and that’s; Go Take Action!
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